Thursday, October 28, 2010

itunes favorites

Why is it I keep returning to the same favorite songs, even though they are from a lot of different genres? Each reminds me of a place, a time, a person, and I feel my heart beat faster, feel happiness when I hear them, even if they’re about sad things, like people who have died.

All This Joy – by John Denver – first heard it when we sang it at church. Peter Ilgenfritz introduced it, then a male soloist sang the first verse. Next the choir joined in, and finally the whole congregation. It was so powerful; it has become one that calms and soothes me when someone I love dies, like Patty, in June 2008.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

As part of our Christmas celebration, Jim and I took a Seattle day trip with Aiden, Kathy, Ollie, Evan, and Elliott to see an elaborate Gingerbread Village at the Seattle Sheraton - designed by Seattle architects, created by Seattle culinary bakers, with the theme "The Reel Thing." Seven large Christmas movie scenes depicted such movies as "Muppets Christmas," "A Snoopy Christmas," and "The Polar Express."

The Winterfest Carousel cost only $2, so we splurged and took a ride. At first only Kathy rode a horse while Ollie, Aiden and I rode on the bench. After Aiden saw it was safe enough, he found a horse for a second turn on the carousel and I think he enjoyed it.

As we all watched the Macy's window Train Display, a lady inquired which was better: the Macy's Santa or Nordstrom's Santa. Overhearing this, Aiden asked incredulously, "You mean there are TWO Santa's????" When we ended with a visit with Santa Claus at Nordstrom's, Aiden acted nonchalant when asked what he wanted,but then piped up, "Well, maybe a snake to scare my dad."

Tuesday, December 22nd we watched the OSU bowl game (we lost), and celebration of Laura's and my birthdays with a dinner of Jim's special Calzone pizza. Santa paid a visit, delivering a stuffed snake to Aiden, as well as toys for Ollie, Evan, Elliott, Laura & Kathy. Aiden had protested numerous times that it wasn't really Santa, just a guy dressed in a Santa suit. After he got his snake he commented, "Wow! I asked the real Santa for a snake, and this guy brought me one!"

Jim and I invited Mother to a small Christmas Brunch of pancakes, sausage, and coffee. After we ate, we opened stockings and I gave Mother a photo of her, me, Sally Bergstrom and Jan Osborn in a silver frame. Deciding I wanted a picture of her by our tree, I handed her a stuffed animal Christmas moose to hold. She fell in love with it, loved touching it and commenting on how soft it was, then looked up at me, smiled, and asked, "Is this really for me? Is this my Christmas present?"
She sounded like she hoped it was, so even though that wasn't my original plan, I said, "Sure! If you'd like it." If only all Christmas presents had been so easy!

Christmas afternoon we exchanged gifts with our kids and grandkids, Norm & Marylee. Later other guests {Karen, Kandi, Hannah, Ryan, K.K.} arrived for a Christmas potluck: Jim's barbecued spiral ham; Dotty's mashed potatoes; Marylee's steamed onions in cheese sauce; Kathy's pepper relish with chips; Karen's Green Bean/French-Fried onion ring with Mushroom Soup Casserole and Apple/Pear salad with poppyseed dressing; Hannah's casserole; Laura's sauteed brussel sprouts with diced onions and slivered almonds; Laura's lime meringue pie; and Norm's pecan tart. Having guests from a variety of backgrounds made this a wonderful and interesting Christmas dinner.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring for a Day!

Spring has arrived! April 6th - we have sunshine and we even had sunshine yesterday, as well.
Here are the blue skies we saw outside our window in Venice in March, even before Spring was officially here. When we arrived there, the rain drenched us as we made our way on foot, without umbrellas, from the train to our Guesthouse al Portico, near the San Marcuola boat stop. We found our lodgings, hung our coats and hats to dry, changed into dry clothes, and by the next morning we had sunshine and blue skies, perfect for a 3-day stayover in this romantic city.